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(Level: 25 | HP: 850 | Defense: 28 | DamageMin: 100 | DamageMax: 110)
Category Items
Swords Katana
Axes Elven Axe
Maces and Scepters Morning Star
Spears Spear
Bows and Crossbows Arquebus
Staffs Serpent Staff , Mystery Stick
Shields Kite Shield
Armors Bronze Armor , Bone Armor , Silk Armor
Pants Bronze Pants , Bone Pants , Silk Pants
Gloves Scale Gloves
Boots Scale Boots
Scrolls Scroll of Poison , Scroll of Power Wave
Jewels and Misc Jewel of Bless , Jewel of Soul , Devil Eye +1 , Devil Key +1 , Symbol of Kundun +1
Orbs and Spheres Jewel of Chaos
Pets, Misc and Others Scroll of Archangel +2 , Blood Bone +2
(Level: 27 | HP: 900 | Defense: 32 | DamageMin: 105 | DamageMax: 115)
Category Items
Swords Serpent Sword
Axes Battle Axe
Maces and Scepters Flail
Spears Giant Trident
Bows and Crossbows Battle Bow
Shields Large Round Shield
Helmets Scale Helm
Armors Bronze Armor , Bone Armor , Silk Armor
Gloves Scale Gloves
Boots Scale Boots
Scrolls Scroll of Poison
Jewels and Misc Jewel of Bless , Jewel of Soul , Devil Eye +1 , Devil Key +1 , Symbol of Kundun +1
Orbs and Spheres Jewel of Chaos
Pets, Misc and Others Scroll of Archangel +2 , Blood Bone +2
(Level: 35 | HP: 1350 | Defense: 48 | DamageMin: 120 | DamageMax: 125)
Category Items
Swords Gladius , Sword of Salamander
Axes Nikea Axe
Maces and Scepters Great Hammer
Spears Berdysh
Bows and Crossbows Light Crossbow
Staffs Book of Samut
Shields Elven Shield , Skull Shield , Plate Shield
Helmets Sphinx Mask , Wind Helm , Red Wing Helm
Armors Scale Armor
Gloves Sphinx Gloves , Wind Gloves , Red Wing Gloves
Boots Sphinx Boots , Wind Boots , Red Wing Boots
Orbs and Spheres Orb of Healing , Orb of Greater Defense , Orb of Greater Damage , Orb of Summoning , Orb of Impale , Jewel of Chaos
Scrolls Scroll of Meteorite , Scroll of Lightning , Scroll of Twister , Drain Life Parchment
Jewels and Misc Jewel of Bless , Jewel of Soul , Devil Eye +2 , Devil Key +2 , Symbol of Kundun +1
Pets, Misc and Others Horn of Uniria , Scroll of Archangel +3 , Blood Bone +3
"Skeleton Archer"
(Level: 37 | HP: 1500 | Defense: 52 | DamageMin: 125 | DamageMax: 130)
Category Items
Swords Gladius , Sword of Salamander
Axes Nikea Axe
Maces and Scepters Great Hammer
Spears Berdysh
Bows and Crossbows Light Crossbow
Staffs Book of Samut
Shields Elven Shield , Skull Shield , Plate Shield
Helmets Sphinx Mask , Wind Helm , Red Wing Helm
Pants Sphinx Pants , Wind Pants , Red Wing Pants
Gloves Sphinx Gloves , Wind Gloves , Red Wing Gloves
Boots Sphinx Boots , Wind Boots , Red Wing Boots
Scrolls Scroll of Meteorite , Scroll of Twister
Jewels and Misc Jewel of Bless , Jewel of Soul , Devil Eye +2 , Devil Key +2 , Symbol of Kundun +1
Orbs and Spheres Jewel of Chaos
Pets, Misc and Others Horn of Uniria , Scroll of Archangel +3 , Blood Bone +3
"Chief Skeleton Warrior"
(Level: 43 | HP: 2400 | Defense: 64 | DamageMin: 140 | DamageMax: 150)
Category Items
Swords Falchion , Light Saber
Axes Larkan Axe
Spears Light Spear
Bows and Crossbows Tiger Bow
Shields Dragon Slayer Shield , Spiked Shield
Armors Sphinx Armor , Wind Armor , Red Wing Armor
Pants Sphinx Pants , Wind Pants , Red Wing Pants
Gloves Brass Gloves
Boots Brass Boots
Scrolls Scroll of Teleport
Jewels and Misc Jewel of Bless , Jewel of Soul , Devil Eye +2 , Devil Key +2 , Symbol of Kundun +1
Orbs and Spheres Jewel of Chaos
Pets, Misc and Others Horn of Uniria , Scroll of Archangel +3 , Blood Bone +3
"Thunder Lich"
(Level: 45 | HP: 2800 | Defense: 68 | DamageMin: 150 | DamageMax: 155)
Category Items
Swords Falchion , Light Saber
Axes Larkan Axe
Spears Light Spear
Bows and Crossbows Tiger Bow
Shields Dragon Slayer Shield , Spiked Shield
Helmets Brass Helm
Armors Sphinx Armor , Wind Armor , Red Wing Armor
Gloves Brass Gloves
Boots Brass Boots
Scrolls Scroll of Teleport
Jewels and Misc Jewel of Bless , Jewel of Soul , Devil Eye +2 , Devil Key +2 , Symbol of Kundun +1
Orbs and Spheres Jewel of Chaos
Pets, Misc and Others Horn of Uniria , Scroll of Archangel +3 , Blood Bone +3
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